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Added: Compatibility for vehicle rewards when ACE explosive used to destroy ammo cache. The nearest Blufor player to ammo cache location will be issued reward if scripted charge/Ace charge is used.

Added: Light weight solution lobby option/feature for fully restored kit or current depleated kit when player respawned. Reloading magazine,throwing nade, setting charge ect. will trigger saving current kit to memory.

Added: Script Reveal_Marker.sqf WIP. What it does - It locally makes markers on the map revealing all units within range and for duration defined in launch parameters only for script executioner. Purpose is really only a debugging tool or for server admins to find stranglers or AI stuck in rocks.

Added: Any Stacked event handlers running on server at mission start will automatically add its key IDs to StackedEHkeysWhiteList.
    Stacked EHs initiated after mission start are allowed and ignored as in version 1.44. See post #382 https://forums.bistu...ncy/?p=2977880)on resolution if you still have problems. 

Added: Stacked EH KEY ID exceptions to StackedEHkeysWhiteList for Enhanced Movement mod, TFAR mod and ACRE mod.
Added: Check for "GROUP" CameraView when using allow 3rd person in vehicles only.
Added: Compatibility option for CUP Takistan Army and Takistan Militia. Requires @CBA_A3;@cup_units;@cup_weapons;@cup_vehicles/replaced @mec combo option.

Added: Ear Plug option when in helicopters./Requires CBA mod installed on client and server.
Added: Napf and Napf Winter map version. Requires @Napf Island A3, @cup_terrains_core, and @cup_terrains_maps.
Added: Diyala Iraq map version. Requires @DYA_V1.0 and @JBAD Buildings.
Added: Option/Frame work to support moded air patrol in addition to stock air patrol.(So far only affects Cup Takistan and RHSAFRF).
Added: Delay for disabling stamina option when ASR_AI and ACE_3 mods are detected at mission start/JIP.
Fixed: Error sound paths not found for dialog interfaces.
Fixed: missing a couple of ; in version 1.44. in delivery.sqf and init_player.sqf.
Fixed: Grid zone Limiter was deactivating grids that were activated before limit was reached.
Fixed: Air dropped UGV ending up inside building no loger possible.
Change: Consolidated all execution of ammobox refiller threads to one thread for optimization (replaced SimpleCrateRefill.sqf with SingleThreadCrateRefill.sqf).
Change: Removed threads created for each intel item and consolidated into 1. This thread monitors existence of intel object and deletes intel maker when suitcase is picked up.
Change: Optimization - shortened some local variables in several scripts.
Change: Optimization - shortened some code by deleting parameters defined by _this select 0 ect. and switching private command to newer params command in many scripts/functions.
Change: Optimization - updated eos and many other scripts with faster commands pushback and objectParent.
Change: Zargabad and Takistan versions now require CUP terrains (@cup_terrains_core;@cup_terrains_maps) instead of AIA terrain pack.
Change: Extended search radius of buislding positions used to place intel.
Change: buildingExit filtered from possible intel/cache placement positions.
Change: Updated unit pool classes and mod auto detect activation for @RHSAFRF/@RHSUSAF for battling against RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Change: Minor class change rearrangement for CUP Takistan Army and Takistan Militia battle
Absolute Todos/WIP in next version
 1. Integration of other faction choices from CUP mod.
 3. Update more class names/content/mod detection and activation for supported mods.

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